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True Love Keeps Returning

Back in the year 2000, my precious mother came to my residence and planted a small patch of Ajuga Bronze perennials.

They would bloom every Spring and eventually would spread across the entire front yard.

She passed away five years ago today, so I wrote this poem in memoriam.

Love, Joy and Peace,


broken image

The Loving Hands That Planted Us

Ajuga Bronze our floral name
And Springtime blooms our claim to fame
Perennials that long ago
In Gabriel‘s yard did someone sow

Those loving hands that planted us
Have long since joined us in the dust
But all her love sweetly lives on
Like every sunrise of the dawn

We started off a meager patch
And every year we grew to match
For love rekindled never dies
Though memories can bring us sighs

And now we think of hands so sweet
That gave us birth and love complete
That wrote us letters sent us cards
And mended hearts of shattered shards

They played piano sang sweet hymns
And worked out long ago in gyms
But never tired of the task
Out in the garden sun to bask

And that is why we’re here today
Out in the spring time sun to play
So in our God we put our trust
The Loving Hands that planted us